Saturday, December 1, 2007

Learning from observing

Learing from Observing

In our college, most funny thing is to hear sermons of some of the final year students. The sermon sturucture and others are secondary but in the basic issues also they fail many times. They use Greek and Hebrew terms, the history of the book though it was no connection to their message, and like that. But the suprising issue is our proffecers never use any Greek or Hebrew terminology in their message. The most experts don't use but these students who called themselves as theologians use them. They don't even observe their proffecers messages.

Another thing is the prayer. Our proffecers prayers are in very meaningful way. Our senior students preayer are going like this.” thank U Jesus for so and so... Jesus.... Jesus... (like conjection).. I ask in Jesus name, Amen!” What a prayers they are! they pray to Jesus and they again ask that prayer in Jesus name! I think that it is not wrong with any prayer or any thing. But When God gives the opportunity to learn and live correctly, if you don't learn or even observe the people who teaches you, it is very sorry state. How can you teach to others when you don't have learning attitude?

I personally encourage my friends to obser the proffecers and other people and learn the things you can! don't lost the learning attitude. Try to learn from their negetive points also. It helps U more to grow than them! It gives glory to God in the world by changing U R personality.

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