Thursday, November 29, 2007

is it wrong to think critically?

when i evaluate the sermon, thoughts or anything critically, many people thought that i am always criticize others and not learn form any body. So now i want to give my view about my thinking.
whenever i hear any message, firstly i am eager to listen what God wants to speak with me. then i try to understand the sermon pattern, about speaker's views, biblical analysis, about reality and necessity of the topic etc to lean and check my own style. many times i hear in this college, what they don't practice! they are running after money, and they preach contrary to their life! I learn from the sermon, but i don't want to be deceived by these preachers. the life of the preacher is more important to the message than his content. we don't want to deceived ourselves in marketing or any thing, then why we willingly deceived by the people who are not really the servants of God by not think about their actions.
Dr.Warn W Wersbe writes about post script of the parable of the sower, that Jesus's post script is described by the first three evangelist differently. they are.."check how you listen","check what you listen","let him hear who have ears". so if we just believe every preacher without life or without content, we easily deceived by the cultic groups. no one is perfect in this earth. but the person who have the right relationship with the Lord recognized and accepted with his/her weaknesses.

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